Saturday, February 21, 2009

Chiropractor Logo

The onset of springs brings forth a new sense of hope. Or at least this is the mindset I am trying to keep. With all this talk of recessions and job loss its hard to keep a strong, positive mental outlook. Well Stout Ideas is busier than ever so far in 2009 and trying to hold strong to that optimism. This surge in business explains the lack of posts and website advances—or at least that's my excuse.

Anyway I've been busy with some new shirt designs, a complete Web design for Enerdyne Power Systems and Advance One Development. I've also been working on a logo for a chiropractic and soft tissue sports rehabilitation office. Below are some samples. No telling whats in store for Stout Ideas, the future looks bright. I've been busy at AAA Carolinas and will try to get some samples up soon on the portfolio page.